Born in Beijing in 1992. In 2014, he graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Since 2015, he has been specially employed by the School of Continuing Education of the Central Academy of Fine Arts as a lecturer for multi-disciplinary art and materials courses. His works focus on the psychological status of young people in contemporary life and the meaning of human being. From early profile portraits combined with landscapes, to depicting people directly, to chasing sunrises and sunsets around the world away from the city. Space and time finally become the main subjects in Jin Xiaoyao's paintings.

Throw back to the solo exhibition “Moonwalker - Jin Xiaoyao” at Once Gallery. 

Jin Xiaoyao studied oil painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 2015, after traveling to Tibet for the first time, Jin Xiaoyao began to paint with watercolors, and gradually formed his own painting language with vivid colors. In Tibet, Jin Xiaoyao re-encountered the “moon”: an existence of great significance to him.

"Moonwalker" exhibited more than 20 works, with a time span of 8 years, mainly watercolors on paper and iPad paintings. In the years of painting practice, Jin Xiaoyao has been paying attention to the impact of technology on art, through self-made paints, research on the special effects brought by acrylic paints, and dynamic digital works in recent years. He travels through history and the next generation, looking for the right language to express the most subtle state of "Moonwalker".


2022/4 春风吹又生


2022/9 看得见树的房间