Jin Xiaoyao’s early oil paintings focus on refining the spirituality in the combination of portrait and landscape, and attempts to express the lightness both in spirit and materiality. He has always paid close attention to and practiced the subtle influence of oil and watercolor paint as materials on his painting. 

In recent years, driven by the decision to stay as far away from second-hand visual experiences (pictures, videos, etc.) as possible, Jin Xiaoyao has traveled deep into the hinterlands of southwest China, such as Tibet and Yunan, to directly experience the sublime of nature, between sunset and moonrise. Sublime is a concept coined by philosopher Kant in the 18th century, which roughly means that in front of nature, a man’s senses transcend reason, and he is overwhelmed by this feeling. The artist combines the sublime of nature with his feeling in the presence of certain natural environments, thus initiating a series of paintings and watercolors that could only be done when he was in surrounded by nature and mixed it with his own human feelings. 

Since 2022, Jin Xiaoyao has been using iPad painting to explore NFT art. The technique is the same layer-by-layer covering technique he uses in his oil painting, a technique he is concerned about and in favor of, that dates back to the Baroque period. iPad painting has given Xiaoyao inexhaustible imaginative resources, freeing him from the constraints of time and space.  

The gallery also highly regards Jin Xiaoyao’s research over the past several years on the impact of scientific and technological progress on art, through self-made pigments, special effects brought about by acrylic paints, and dynamic digital works. It’s a continuation of his commitment to improving art expression through materials.

Jin Xiaoyao 金小尧

  • Born in 1992 in Beijing, graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in 2014.

  • Since 2015, he has been teaching a course focusing on the variety of art materials at CAFA’s School of Continued Education.


  • Cobalt Blue: A Dazed Dream and Fireflies


    19x14cm (30x25cm with frame), Watercolor on Paper, Unique

  • Ashamed


    23x16cm (32x24cm with frame), Watercolor on Paper, Unique

  • Overflow


    18x26cm, Watercolor on Paper, Unique

  • Crimson and Moon


    18x26cm, Watercolor on Paper, Unique

  • Source of Light


    13x18cm (22x27cm with frame), Watercolor on Paper, Unique

  • The Back: Golden Age


    33x42cm (52x60 with frame), Oil on Canvas, Unique

  • From Dream to Reality

    2016 - 2018

    80x80cm, Oil on Canvas, Unique

  • The Back: Cobalt Blue

    2015 - 2018

    50x50cm, Oil on Canvas, Unique

Solo Exhibitions


Moonwalker: Works of Moons by Jin Xiaoyao, Once Gallery & the Bush, Beijing, China.


There is Still Light When the Sun Sinks, Yingnuo Space, Beijing, China.


Cobalt Blue, One Way Art Gallery, Beijing, China.


Jin XiaoYao & Xia LiJia Two-Person Exhibition, in88 Project Art Space, Beijing, China.

Selected Group Exhibitions








Madrid Academy of Art Invitational Exhibition, Madrid Academy of Art, Madrid, Spain.

Back to Childhood: The 58th La Biennale di Venezia 2019 / China Special Exhibition, Castello Art Space, Venice, Italy.


Neutral Fashion, E + HIVE Art Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.

The Making, One Way Gallery, Beijing, China.

A Room That Lights Up, Aotu Space, Beijing, China.

Caminos de seda yoro, El Instante Fundación, Madrid, Spain.

Beyond Skills No.3, El Ciruculo Industrial, Alcoy, Spain.


New Youth Art Movement Exhibition, Yue Museum, Beijing, China.


Chinese New Art Award Exhibition, Hi Art Center, Beijing, China.

Together, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China.

Art Fairs


Affordable Art Fair, Once Gallery, Singapore.

021 Art Fair, BCA Gallery, Shanghai, China.

JINGART, BCA Gallery, Beijing, China.



Jin Xiaoyao


Affordable Art Fair Singapore


Moonwalker 〰️ Jin Xiaoyao 〰️ Affordable Art Fair Singapore 〰️

Jin Xiaoyao is teaching a course focusing on the variety of art materials.


Xiang Hao 项昊


Wang Meiyi 王梅一